FPS Guidance Note on Considerations for Specifying Crosshole Sonic Logging Test
FPS Guidance Note on Considerations for Specifying Crosshole Sonic Logging Test
In accordance with their duty under Construction Design and Management Regulations, specifiers must eliminate, substitute or reduce safety risks and must do this when specifying CSL. This can be achieved in the following ways; CSL should be avoided in dry stable rotary piles and small diameter piles where the sonic logging tubes have <300mm clear separation. Consider alternative integrity testing methods. Where CSL must be used, limit its use to the top of the pile within a single cage length to eliminate the need to splice tubes, reduce testing frequency, limit the number of tubes (tube spacing as great as 1.5m is acceptable) and where applicable reuse inclinometer or base grouting tubes.
Site Personnel (Training and Cards)
FPS meets UKCG Requirements for Safety Training
This table shows how job titles typically found on piling sites map to UKCG definitions.
For more information about the FPS Piling Supervisors Safety Training Scheme click here.
Lifting Operations on Piling Sites – Appointed Person Statement
FPS position statement on appropriate qualifications and cards for “Appointed Person” and Slinger Signallers engaged in lifting operations on Piling sites. View guidance
Crane Mounted Piling Rigs – Appropriate CPCS Cards
CPCS Cards for Fitters on Piling Sites
MCG Members have agreed that fitters necessarily operating plant and equipment during and as part of examinations and/or repairs will not be required to hold the plant specific CPCS card, provided they already carry the CSCS Plant Mechanic or Construction Plant Maintenance and Repair Card.
Plant (Piling Rigs and Cranes)
FPS Guidance on the movement of long loads using forklift trucks
This document provides guidance on the planning, selection of equipment and management of long loads when using forklift trucks. It is intended that this guidance is used in situations where it is not practicable to use a crane.
FPS Guidance: Guidance on RIDDOR and Piling and Drilling Rigs on Construction Sites
The Reporting of Injuries, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 came into force on the 1st October 2013 and replaced RIDDOR 1995. Previous guidance on the Regulations has been withdrawn and replaced with a suite of web pages at The HSE has considered the FPS query regarding LOLER and Piling Rigs, and in particular which matters have to be reported as specified Dangerous Occurrences involving lifting equipment.
The guidance details the HSE response and clearly sets out the reporting requirements to be followed.
FPS Guidance: CFA Piling: Preventing ground & rig instability through over-flighting
The guidance outlines the key factors that may lead to settlement or instability of the piling rig when carrying out Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) piling as a result of over-flighting and presents best practice to mitigate these risks.
View guidance
FPS Guidance: The application of the LOLER Regulations to Piling Rigs
Industry Code of Best Practice to offer practical guidance on the application of the regulations to the piling industry.
View guidance
Notes for Guidance on PUWER (Regulations 11 & 12) in relation to Guarding and Cleaning of Augers on Piling Operations
Prepared in conjunction with the HSE, these seek a practical approach to rigs used in the bored piling industry.
View guidance
Network Rail Safety Requirements
Following detailed consultation with the FPS, Network Rail have published a document setting out the conditions which must be adhered to when undertaking piling activities adjacent to the live railway (ie without possession).
The document is available from IHS; [email protected]
Pre-augering of large diameter casings
The FPS has created guidance on the practice of pre-boring large diameter casings. This is a common method used in the UK piling industry, however the risks associated with this practice are often overlooked by the site construction team. This document provides guidance on the considerations to remove the risk of a rig becoming unstable.
Site investigation
The FPS has produced a template for a Permit to Dig to issue to the principal contractor on a project. This document certifies that they have undertaken the necessary checks to ensure that there are no identifiable hazards in the ground that may pose a risk to the piling operatives and other site personnel. Services such as power and gas mains should be identified and re-sited if necessary.
Breaking Down of Piles
Use of Debonding Foam – Technical Considerations
Technical considerations relating to the use debonding foam on pile reinforcement to reduce ‘hand-arm vibration’ (HAV) and ‘whole body vibration’ (WBV) when breaking down piles.
View guidance
Breaking Down of Piles
A suitable pile breaking method can result in financial and program savings and reduce potential health and safety issues. The document, considers the different methods available.
View guidance
Pumping Concrete to Form Piles
Best Practice Guidance Pumping Concrete to Form Piles
This Federation of Piling Specialist best practice guidance has been updated, September 2021, and continues to supplement the Construction Plant-hire Association (CPA) Good Practice Guide ‘Safe Use of Concrete Pumps’ (September 2013) and provides sector specific guidance.
FPS-Guidance-for-Pumping-Concrete-to-Form-Piles- Revision 2021
Quick Reference Guide-Managing Obstructions and Blockages in Concrete Lines
Quick Reference Guide-Managing Obstructions and Blockages in Concrete Lines
Reinforcement & Splicing of Cages
FPS Guidance for Reinforcement & Splicing of Cages
This report examines the processes and procedures used within the industry for the design and installation of lifting and splicing bands. It also lists the various options currently available on the market for the safe splicing of reinforcement cages for piling and diaphragm walls and discusses the design assumptions for each system, the key benefits but also the disadvantages. Apart from the splicing itself, this report also includes the risks involved during the splicing of reservation tubes and latest developments in this sector.
(Updated: 04-03-21)
Mechanised Handling
FPS Guidance for the Mechanised Handling of Drilling Tools
This document aims to establish an FPS guidance note on the implementation of the Statement of Intent agreed upon by the FPS members:
“Wherever reasonably practical, handling of augers, casings and rods during mini-piling and other specialist geotechnical operations shall be achieved by either of the following methods: a mechanised tool-handling system be fitted to the rig, for example a carousel, magazine; or a mechanised tool-handling device that can be attached to supporting equipment, such as an excavator’s quick-hitch.”
FPS Guidance for Mechanised Handling of Grout Bags
This guidance provides an alternative solution to manual grout bag handling.
(Last updated: 11/04/21)
Restricted Zones
FPS – Restricted Zones Guidance
This guidance has been produced to assist members in setting up restricted zones around plant and equipment usually found in a piling worksite, as well as the importance of understanding that sufficient space is provided to enable safe operations and the effective separation of people and operational plant.
Other Guidance
FPS Health and Safety Policy
Notes for Guidance on the Extraction of Temporary Casings and Temporary Piles within the Piling Industry
Considers the removal of temporary casings and temporary piles in a safe manner.
View guidance
FPS – Pre-commencement Piling Standard
Certain facilities need to be immediately available for piling to commence. The document lists minimum acceptable conditions required before work commences.
View guidance