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FPS Golf Day 2019 – Sponsorship Opportunities

With the Federation of Piling Specialists’ annual Golf Day taking place on Wednesday 11th September, at The Nottinghamshire Golf and Country Club, in Nottingham, sponsorship opportunities are available.

Options available are:

– £50 per company – 5 companies to sponsor the provision of a golf welcome pack (comprising golf balls, tees, light refreshments etc.) to be given to all participants on the day. For this the sponsoring company will have their logo printed on the welcome pack bag, located around the main FPS logo in the centre of the bag

– £100 per company – 5 companies to sponsor the following golf competitions to be awarded on the day:

a. Overall Team Winners
b. Overall Individual Winner
c. Longest Drive – SOLD
d. Nearest Pin
e. Nearest Pin in 2

For this the sponsoring company will have their company name referenced to the associated competition during the evening prize giving ceremony, and the opportunity to place a banner or similar advertisement on the associated golf hole during the event. Please note the sponsoring company will have the responsibility to provide the banner, and in good time prior to the event to enable the green staff to place out on the course. The company will also have their logo printed on the golf welcome pack.

If you would like to sponsor the event contact [email protected]