
News & Views

FPS Podcasts – Sponsorship Opportunities

The Federation of Piling Specialists (FPS) is looking at introducing a series of Podcasts, which will cover a wide variety of topics. In order to support the cost of their production the FPS is looking for Associate Member sponsors for each podcast produced.

The benefits of associating your brand with the podcasts are enormous, as each podcast will be publicised through FPS social media channels, the FPS website, as well as being targeted at FPS members and key stakeholders within the piling, geotechnical and construction sectors.

Sponsorship will see your brand reach these key audiences as your company name (brand callout) will be placed at the start and end of each programme, as well as being cited in any supporting promotional publicity “…in association with YOUR COMPANY NAME”.

Topics will be varied for each programme, but all will be engaging and produced to attract as many listeners as possible. They will also remain historically for reference on the FPS website, further extending their life and the opportunity for further brand exposure.

The option is available to sponsor one or more podcasts, at a cost of £150 each, which covers the cost of their production and editing.

To sponsor a podcast, in the first instance contact Debbie Darling [email protected] who will be able to provide more information.