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FPS Supports Brownfield Summit 2020

Register now for Environment Analyst’s Brownfield Summit 2020, which will now be held as a huge virtual conference running throughout May. The virtual conference will comprise of live speaker presentations, virtual panels and roundtable discussions, all with Q&A and discussion opportunities.

You will be able to sign up to the sessions of most interest to you across the three topic streams:

12-13 May: Ground Gas
19-20 May: Groundwater
26-27 May: Data Collection and Analysis

You will also be able to participate in our virtual roundtables for business leaders’ and virtual workshops for early-career professionals.

Make sure to book before 24 April to save with the early-bird discount.

To qualify for your 10% discount off the standard delegate rate enter code FPS10 at the checkout, or email [email protected] or call on +44 (0)203 637 2191 and quote FPS10.

For more information visit: https://www.brownfieldsummit.com/